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Healing Pineapple Smoothie

Pineapples are a pretty well loved fruit, so it’s not that hard to incorporate them into your diet. But besides being delicious, pineapples are an absolute gold mine of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds. For this reason, I’ve been making pineapple smoothies to aid in healing, immunity, and digestion for years. I’m particularly fond of these smoothies in the “4th trimester” of pregnancy, but really they are a great, quick breakfast or snack any time. Since my kids and husband love these also, they’re an easy way to dish up a heaping load of nutrition in one punchy and tasty treat for the entire family.

First let’s talk health benefits, and why you should incorporate pineapple smoothies into your diet, especially during times of physical stress. Not only are pineapples loaded with vitamins and minerals, but they are full of healing compounds that assist in immunity and reducing inflammation. Studies have shown that people who eat a lot of pineapple in their diet have stronger immune systems. Immune strength is really important for postpartum moms who are sleep deprived, adjusting to new physical demands, and simultaneously trying to recover from labor and delivery.

Additionally, studies have shown that pineapples reduce inflammation, making them an ideal food for those who are recovering post-surgery or post physical stress, like extreme exercise or delivering a baby. I actually first started drinking pineapple smoothies after I had my wisdom teeth out in college, and I really believe they play a vital role in healing.

Finally pineapples contain bromelian, a natural enzyme that aids in digestion and protein absorption. In this smoothie, I pair pineapples with plain yogurt, which has probiotics that also assist with digestion and healthy nutrient absorption. Raw honey, a pre-biotic that helps in creating healthy gut flora, finishes the ingredients list for a smoothie that’s super nutritious for the tummy as well as the whole body.

As a an ideal postpartum food, this smoothie has to be a breeze to make. The only thing that can ruin it is an unripened pineapple. When choosing a pineapple, don’t judge by the color of the skin, but follow your nose. Smell the bottom of the pineapple. You’ll know it’s ripe when it’s got a nice sweet smell. If it has no smell, it’s under-ripe, and if it’s really pungent, it’s probably over-ripe. A second test I really like is to grab one of the leaves from the stem. Give it a little tug. If the stem leaf comes out, the pineapple is ripe. If it refuses your pull, the pineapple needs more time.

Once you’ve got your ripe pineapple, make sure to remove all of the rough brown skin and the core. A lot of people forget to core the pineapple, but it’s very fibrous and can be hard to chew and hard on your tummy. Once you’ve cut up your pineapple, all there is to do is measure out the yogurt and honey, blend, and enjoy!

*Nutrition facts from Healthline

Pineapple Smoothie - Makes 1 large (32 oz.) or 2 small (16oz.) smoothies


  • Blender


  • 1/2 large, ripe pineapple, peeled, cored, and chopped into chunks

  • 1 cup plain Greek yogurt (non-fat, 2%, or whole milk)

  • 1 cup ice

  • 1-2 TBS. raw honey


  1. Combine all the ingredients in the blender. Blend until completely smooth. Pour into a glass and enjoy!