Beefsteak Burger


This is my favorite sandwich of all time. A caper herb mayonnaise, crisp alfalfa sprouts, crunchy arugula, tangy pickled onions, creamy avocado, and a juicy tomato bursting with umami all sandwiched between soft, sweet brioche make this burger irresistible. Plus it’s vegan!

I wish I could claim this marvel as my own, but the genius behind this delicious burger is none other than Jose Andres. Andres is a master at creating magic and illusion in his foods. I’ll never forget the time I dined at his restaurant Mini Bar in D.C. One of the (many) courses arrived looking like a perfectly pleasant bahn mi sandwich, complete with golden baguette and savory filling. I thought there would be no way I could eat the entire sandwich and have room for any of the other courses to come, but with my first bite, the illusion dissolved. The baguette was an apple flavored meringue based marvel, sweet and lighter than air. I polished that sweet “sandwich” off in seconds, and became an even bigger fan of the master chef than I already was. This beefsteak burger carries that same playful magic I’ve come to expect from Andres’s dishes. There is so much flavor and such an appreciation for the starring ingredient, the tomato, that you will surely become a devoted fan as well.

I first tasted this burger at Andres’s fast casual restaurant, Beefsteak, a concept completely devoted to celebrating vegetables in all their spectacular versatility. As the namesake sandwich of the establishment, I wasn’t leaving without trying the beefsteak burger, but even I was surprised at how much I loved it. Even more surprising was the fact that my kids loved it too! So you can imagine my delight when Andres published the recipe in his cookbook. I’m sharing it here (with some of my own slight variations) so you can try it for yourself and experience the magic.

I do recommend parboiling and peeling the tomatoes to create that nice, warm, meaty sensation. However, I have made the sandwich without doing this step, and it’s still delicious. Also, for my kids, I slice the tomatoes thinner and mash the avocado to help the sandwich stay together and fit into their little mouths. If you don’t like pickled onions, you can substitute with raw or just leave them off entirely. Finally, be sure to use a good ripe beefsteak or hot house tomato that is about as wide as your bun, preferably in season. The tomato is the star of this burger, so a winter tomato just won’t do.


Pickled Red Onion:


  • Small saucepan

  • 16 oz. Mason jar with lid

  • Small fine mesh sieve


  • 1 small red onion, peeled, halved and thinly sliced

  • 1/4 cup water

  • 3 TBS. red wine vinegar

  • 1 tsp. fresh thyme leaves

  • 1 tsp. whole black peppercorns

  • 1 TBS. sugar

  • Pinch kosher salt


  1. Make the brine, Combine the water, vinegar, salt, sugar, thyme, and peppercorns in the small saucepan. Bring to a boil and stir to dissolve the sugar and salt. Once dissolved, remove from the heat.

  2. Place the sliced onions into the mason jar. Pour the brining liquid through the sieve into the jar with the onions. Cover, shake, and let sit on the counter for one hour. Feel free to stir the onions and shake the jar occasionally to distribute the liquid. After an hour the onions will be lightly pickled and ready to use, but you can store them in the refrigerator for up to a week and they will continue to pickle over time.

Herb Mayonnaise:


  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise of vegan mayonnaise

  • 1 TBS. capers

  • 3/4 tsp. dijon mustard

  • 1/2 TBS. chopped fresh parsley

  • 1/2 TBS. chopped fresh dill

  • 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice

  • Kosher salt to taste


  1. Combine all the ingredients in a medium mixing bowl, and stir well. Taste and adjust seasonings. Extras can be stored covered in the refrigerator for a week.

Beefsteak Burger - makes 2


  • 2 brioche burger buns (or vegan alternative)

  • 1 large, ripe beefsteak or hot house tomato

  • 1 hass avocado halved, pitted, and sliced

  • Arugala

  • Alfalfa sprouts

  • Herb Mayonnaise

  • Pickled red onions

  • Olive oil, kosher salt, & pepper to taste


  1. Bring a saucepan with enough water to cover the tomato to a rolling boil. Core the tomato and cut a shallow cross in the skin around the core of the tomato. You will have four small slits. Pop the tomato into the boiling water for 1-3 minutes or until you start to see the skin gently peel back from the slits. Remove the tomato and allow it to cool enough to handle. Gently peel the tomato skin from the entire tomato; it should come off very easily. Then slice the tomato crosswise to make two level tomato patties, each about 3/4 in -1 in thick.

  2. Assemble the sandwich. Lightly toast the buns and then spread each half with a generous amount of the herb mayonnaise. Cover the bottom bun with a handful of arugula, then a tomato slice, then the pickled onions, then the alfalfa sprouts, and then a few avocado slices. Season with olive, salt, and pepper to taste.

Recipe adapted from Vegetables Unleashed: A Cookbook by Jose Andres


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